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 Brief Biography

  About Me

I am a Professor at the Biomedical Informatics Group housed in the School of Computing at the University of South Alabama (South). I am also a Professor in South College of Medicine. In May 2007, I received the Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of South Carolina, under Dr. Michael N. Huhns.

My research areas are Data Science and Computational Life Science in general; in particular, the semantics and analysis of data as well as their innovative applications on human genomics and transcriptomics.

My Google Scholar Page

Our research is supported by NIH, NSF, and DOE.

Employment at the University of South Alabama:

  • January 2021 – Present          Professor, College of Medicine
  • August 2017 – Present          Professor, School of Computing
  • August 2015 – May 2017     Associate Professor, School of Computing
  • August 2009 – May 2015     Assistant Professor, School of Computing


Prior Employment:

  • August 2007 – May 2009          Assistant Professor, Benedict College
  • June 2007 – August 2007          Research Specialist, Medical University of South Carolina

Dr. Jingshan Huang
School of Computing - Suite 2101, University of South Alabama

Office: (251) 460-7612, Fax: (251) 460-7274

Email: my last name in southalabama domain
© 2016 Dr. Jingshan Huang, All Rights Reserved.