Devaney's Backward Iteration Algorithm

An algorithm for finding the Julia Set. This is based on the fact that the set of preimages of any point on the complex plane except 0 is dense in the Julia Set. So we pick any point on the complex plane except 0 and compute backward orbits. We eliminate the first 50.

Choose a complex number, x0 + y0i, and the parameter c = c0 + c1i.

For i = 1 to 15000 do

w0 = x0-c0

w1 = x1-c1

let theta = argument of the complex number w0 + w1i

let r = modulus of the complex number w0 + w1i

let t = 0 or 1

let theta = theta/2 + t*pi

x0 = r cos(theta)

y0 = r sin(theta)

if (i > 50) then

 display pixel

end if
end for